
AI Recruitment

AI Recruitment: Everything you wanted to know about this Sassy Cocktail

Published on October 4th, 2022


Finding the best candidate is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And with the ongoing recession, mass firing, overabundance of graduates looking for jobs, the whole recruitment industry is in a conundrum.

How can we solve this?

That's easy! We can turn towards technology and make use of Artifical Intelligence (AI) to streamline the recruitment process.

Infact, hundreds of organizations have already started using AI tools for recruitment. Check for yourself. LinkedIn reported that AI tool was most useful for sourcing candidates (58%), screening candidates (56%) and nurturing candidates (55%), according to recruiters who use it.

It is now high time that you start using AI recruitment and join others in doing so. Between 2021 and 2025, about 82% of HR teams will incorporate additional AI tools into their talent management procedures, as claimed by

What is AI Recruitment?

AI recruitment, or AI-powered recruitment, involves harnessing artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize key aspects of the hiring process. This approach employs machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and automation to transform talent sourcing, resume screening, skill assessment, and video interviews. By integrating these technologies, AI recruitment streamlines operations, enhances candidate experiences, and drives data-informed decisions.

Talent Sourcing: AI-driven tools swiftly scour online platforms, databases, and social networks to identify potential candidates. These platforms analyze candidate profiles, qualifications, and industry trends, helping recruiters identify the best matches for a given role.

Skill Assessment: AI-powered skill assessment tools evaluate candidates' skills using customized tests and simulations. These platforms provide objective insights into candidates' capabilities, helping recruiters gauge their suitability for specific roles accurately.

Video Interviews: AI technology transforms video interviews into insightful evaluation tools. It analyzes candidates' facial expressions, vocal tones, and responses to identify traits like communication skills, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. These insights inform recruiters' decisions, creating a more comprehensive understanding of candidates' potential.

By implementing AI in these recruitment stages, companies optimize their hiring practices. AI recruitment enhances efficiency, improves decision-making accuracy, and offers candidates a more personalized and engaging application journey. It empowers recruiters to focus on strategic aspects of recruitment, fostering a more data-driven, agile, and successful hiring process.

Why is AI Recruitment a different ballgame?

Hiring is a multifaceted and arduous job that needs the help of technology to fuel up the process. Enters …. Artificial Intelligence (AI), a set of machines or systems that could mimic human intelligence and perform human-like tasks, gently lifting the weight off of their shoulders.

Artificial intelligence in recruitment automates the whole procedure of candidate selection, interview conduction, and background checks.

You may wonder that it is the sole job of HRs to conduct recruitment drives, so how can their work be so overloaded that they require the help of artificial intelligence in recruitment?

Fair point, but entering into the layers of recruitment, you will come to realize that there are hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of applicants that apply for a single job posting.

Can you imagine going through each CV one by one and sifting the best ones that are perfect for the job role?

Also to mention, an HR professional has to delve into other tasks as well such as onboarding, constructing and updating company policies, offboarding, exit interviews, and so on.

Artificial intelligence in recruitment and selection can speed up the entire process and save more time for hiring professionals by taking away repetitive and redundant tasks that do not require a lot of attention so that they can focus on other activities that are more challenging.

Still not convinced about the function of artificial intelligence in recruitment? Read this article to know the roles, benefits, future, and the best tools available for AI recruitment.

Role of AI in Recruitment

AI is an endless pool that is mimicking the human brain in every aspect and making their life easy. In the recruitment world, artificial intelligence has taken the central role and saved time for HR professionals along with finding the perfect fit for the job role.

AI recruitment has taken over the hiring procedure and does so by playing the following roles:

However, if you employ artificial intelligence in recruitment and selection, it can screen the ideal candidate from a pool of resumes based on keyword research and bring to you a list of the best applicants that are suited for the job profile.

  • Reduces Bias: Even if you do not tend to, HR professionals, who are mere humans, are often clouded by their judgment and end up biasing between the candidates.

Using AI in recruitment process can surpass these biases as it selects candidates based on their skills and reduces partiality by 68%, as claimed by Tidio.

Availability of Chatbots: The availability of chatbots in the AI recruitment software has been proven to be quite useful. According to Mercer, 56% of people look up company policies, perks, and benefits by interacting with the chatbot.

The AI recruiting software has chatbots embedded in them which also analyze the candidates and tell their professional capabilities.

Easy Background Checks: Organizations conduct background checks on their new hires to mitigate the occurrence of any risks. The AI recruitment tool is equipped with technology that checks the background and references of the candidate without causing any harm to the organization or the candidate.

Engaging the Candidates: Candidates often do not get a call back from the organizations and are left wondering if they are selected or not. AI recruitment software has features such as conversational chatbots and interview interpreter that keeps the applicant engaged in the recruitment process.

The above-mentioned roles and AI in recruitment statistics can be an eye-opener and organizations should start to lean on this technology to enhance their recruitment procedure.

Benefits of AI in Recruitment

Role of AI in Recruitment.png

AI recruitment brings a whole lot to the table. Below is a list of the top benefits that using AI in recruitment process gives us:

It saves time: “Time is money” if you believe in this ideology as an HR professional, AI recruitment software is the next best thing for you. The automation process saves up a lot of time which can be utilized to focus on other important tasks.

Enhances the candidate experience: When a candidate is happy and satisfied with the organization, there are increased chances of them joining the company. With artificial intelligence in recruitment, automated emails and responses are sent to the candidate which keeps them engaged in the recruitment process. Not to forget the chatbots that solve immediate queries of the applicants and make them well aware of the organization's trends and policies.

Improves the Quality of Talent: AI recruitment improves the quality of talent that is hired. When an HR selects the ideal candidate from a heap of resumes, they, being a human, can unconsciously go wrong somewhere and not be able to procure the best talent. This is a giant benefit of AI in recruitment as it unbiasedly and efficiently chooses the best talent.

What does the future of AI in recruitment beholds?

Peeking into the future, one can see how machines are ready to take over most human tasks and leave us to explore more challenges. However, there are several theories which say that the emergence of artificial intelligence could lead us into a dystopian future, a world that is controlled by machines.

There is a fear that if AI will take over most of our jobs, there might be no real jobs left for us. However, according to IFTF, 85% of jobs have not even been invented that might exist in 2030.

So to scrap the negativity, the future of AI in the recruitment process is bright and shiny. It is going to make the process of hiring seamless, engaging, and streamlined.

AI Tools for Recruitment

There are a plethora of AI recruitment tools available in the market that excel in different sectors. Here is a list of some of the tools that are best suited for:

  • Candidate sourcing: Hired, Seekout, EasySource
  • Resume screening: Vervoe, CVviz
  • Skill assessment: HireQuotient, iMocha
  • Video Interview: SparkHire, VidCruiter
  • Applicant Tracking Systems: Greenhouse, Manatal


Wrapping up, AI recruitment has become mainstream in the hiring market. The speed and tools it brings along with it have made the entire process time-saving, impartial and easygoing.

However, recruiters fear that artificial intelligence in recruitment will soon wipe their jobs off.

Nevertheless, you need to gear up and make use of this tool and not miss out this great technology.

What is your strategy to incorporate AI into your recruitment process? Book a demo to know more.




Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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